Götürmeyin beni kente
Don't bring me to the city
Değişemem buyum ben
I can't change, this is who I am
Götürmeyin beni kente
Don't bring me to the city
Köyümde mutluyum ben
I'm happy in my village
Kentte herkes alay eder
Everyone makes fun of me in the city
Taşralı kız der bana
They call me a rural girl
Köyüm yaban olsa bile
Even if my village is primitive
Toprağı yeter bana
Its soil is enough for me
Götürmeyin beni kente
Don't bring me to the city
Köyümden razıyım ben
I'm content with my village
Çekemem kentin kahrını
I can't handle the hardship of the city
Toprağın kızıyım ben
I am a daughter of the soil
Lyrics and Music by Reyman Eray
Lyrics Source: https://eksisozluk.com/topragin-kizi--656704
Don't bring me to the city
Değişemem buyum ben
I can't change, this is who I am
Götürmeyin beni kente
Don't bring me to the city
Köyümde mutluyum ben
I'm happy in my village
Kentte herkes alay eder
Everyone makes fun of me in the city
Taşralı kız der bana
They call me a rural girl
Köyüm yaban olsa bile
Even if my village is primitive
Toprağı yeter bana
Its soil is enough for me
Götürmeyin beni kente
Don't bring me to the city
Köyümden razıyım ben
I'm content with my village
Çekemem kentin kahrını
I can't handle the hardship of the city
Toprağın kızıyım ben
I am a daughter of the soil
Lyrics and Music by Reyman Eray
Lyrics Source: https://eksisozluk.com/topragin-kizi--656704
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