Nominative (i.e. subject of sentence, default)
Pronoun | Meaning |
Ben | I |
Sen | You |
O | He/She/It/That |
Biz | We |
Siz | You (plural/formal) |
Onlar | They |
Accusative (i.e. direct object)
Pronoun | Meaning |
beni | me |
seni | you |
onu | him/her/it |
bizi | us |
sizi | you (plural/formal) |
onları | them |
Genitive (i.e. possession etc.)
Pronoun | Meaning |
benim | my/mine |
senin | your/yours |
onun | his/her/its |
bizim | our/ours |
sizin | your/yours (plural/formal) |
onların | their/theirs |
Dative (i.e. "to" -e/a ending)
Pronoun | Meaning |
bana | to me/at me |
sana | to you/at you |
ona | to it/at it |
bize | to us/at us |
size | to you/at you (plural/formal) |
onlara | to them/at them |
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